Experience the power of the Confidence Workshop for yourself before rolling it out in your team.

Come into Otolo HQ and experience a Confidence Workshop for yourself.

Dates for 2023/24:

Thursday 5th October 2023 Sold Out
Wednesday 1st November 2023
Wednesday, 24th January 2024 Sold Out

Dates for 2024:

Tuesday, 13th February 2024

Wednesday, 13th March 2024

Tuesday, 16th April 2024


  • 1-Day Course

  • 12 people max

  • Two Otolo Coaches

  • In-Person and Interactive

  • For people at any level


  • Self-Talk: Identify your self-talk making a note of your self-talk and reframing it.

  • Trust: Assessing how much you trust yourself and understanding how you can learn to trust yourself more.

  • Toolkit: All participants of Confidence by Otolo will receive a confidence toolkit full of scientifically supported activities and resources.

  • Tapping in: Learn five ways to tap into your own confidence during any moment that you need it.

  • SMART Goals: Creating a SMART confidence goal and ensuring the goal is achieved.

  • Leanne Gunson, Head of L&D at Pizza Pilgrims

    “The Confidence Workshop is eye-opening, helpful, and unique to anything we have run before. There is guaranteed to be something in it that strikes a chord with you. In particular, mine was about self-talk and how we view judgment. You can see the more the session goes on the more people have that lightbulb moment of realisation that a lot of how we behave is to do with confidence.”

  • Joana Petrova - Head of Marketing at Harri - Attended November 2022

    “It was absolutely fantastic and definitely the best workshop I’ve attended. The flow was brilliant and the exercises built on each other to have great progress over the course of the day. It was invaluable to see everyone in the group be so open about their experiences and be able to work through some real challenges and be really specific. Thank you so much.”

About the day

This isn’t about job descriptions. Confidence is a holistic course that addresses the individual.

This course is key for retention, as when people feel good in your working environment, they want to stay there.

Improve confidence
and improve retention.

Confidence is key for retention as when people feel good and valued in their working environment, they want to stay there. According to an Indeed survey (2020), 96% of employees reported that they are more likely to stay at a company when they feel confident.

Why confidence matters in the workplace.

Well-Being at Work

Confident employees are happier at work (Indeed, 2020). A culture that fosters confidence can improve the well-being of teams. This links back to productivity and research by Said Business School showed that happy employees are 13% more productive.

Business Growth and Productivity

Having confident employees has huge benefits for businesses. Research by Indeed has shown that nearly all workers (98%) said that their performance is better when they feel confident.

Gender Equality

Research on confidence shows women often report lower self-esteem than men in the workplace. Improving confidence can therefore help businesses and leaders achieve more gender equality.

We’re ready to come to you.

If you’d like to explore how Otolo can work with you and your people to grow and enhance confidence in the individuals in your business, get in touch.